Benagil caves - Algarve

The Benagil cave with a (good) twist

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Benagil is a must-go because of its famous cave. But this part of the coastline has way more to offer. Here is how you can explore it. You’re welcome.

First things first. "Algar de Benagil" is to the Algarve like the Big Ben is to London. And that's ok, so let's start with it:

Guide books suggest you take an organised boat tour or rent a kayak or a stand-up paddle on the "Praia de Benagil" beach, about 150 meters from the cave. And if your goal is to only visit this cave and you're a bit more adventurous, you can swim there (with precautions, of course). However, contrary to what happened a few years ago, the "Praia de Banagil" beach is completely overcrowded. If you're trying to avoid a tourist trap and you promise not to tell anyone, here is a tip:

Map of Benagil and Percurso dos Sete Vales Suspensos

Instead, go to the "Praia da Albandeira" beach and rent a kayak from there. In addition to EcoTours being one of the best kayak-rental companies in the area, the beach is beautiful and worth a visit on its own. One kayak for two people costs 40€ for two hours, which is enough time. Ask for a waterproof bag to put your phone in so you can check the map if needed and take pictures. Paddle to the right side for about half an hour, and as soon as you see a lot of kayak traffic, you know you must be arriving at "Algar de Benagil". Park inside the cave and take your time to take it in — another advantage you have on kayak versus organised boat tours.

Algar de Benagil cave in Benagil, Algarve

Although this is the most popular cave, the whole route from the "Praia da Albandeira" beach is spectacular, with many highlights worth exploring, making you feel part of a Hollywood movie. There are other caves and caverns you can enter that, despite not having so much fame, are just as or more beautiful. And if you're lucky, they might be empty when you visit them. On the way, there are also secret beaches and natural arches you can pass through — all very much worth experiencing.

A cave in Benagil, Algarve

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An official trail called "Percurso dos Sete Vales Suspensos" offers you an entirely different perspective of this part of the coastline: incredible views from the top.

This 6km walk (12km both ways) starts on the "Praia da Marinha" beach. Note that this beach has the car access blocked when it's full, so the best time to arrive is in the late afternoon when it empties. And, of course, the sunset will also allow you to take even better pictures. This route is not recommended for those who do not feel comfortable walking on uneven ground or for small children.

The "Percurso dos Sete Vales Suspensos" gives you a new and exciting angle of all those rocks, caves and arches you can see from the sea. It's interesting to walk on them and understand their shape and formation. Enjoy the different textures, some looking like real-size paintings, and the big holes you can peek out of — including the one at the top of the "Algar de Benagil".

Percurso dos Sete Vales Suspensos in Benagil coastline in Algarve

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These highlights of the coastline represent the architecture of nature at its best. And whether you explore it only by sea or by land, one thing is certain: you will be left with pictures that will make everyone jealous.

Useful info:

Address "Algar de Benagil":

8400-401, Lagoa, Algarve

Address beach "Praia da Albandeira":

Porches, Algarve

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